Neill Island to Chiryatapu

Time start: 0000, Time finish: 0700 | Engine hrs start: 1825.5, finish 1830.0. Avg RPM 2.5K. Conditions: Rough weather, squall with 28 kt gusts and rain, large 3m+ swell

Weighed anchor without putting another jerry can into the tank. Lucky on the anchor as it came off the bombies without a hitch. Motored with the wind directly astern until 3am in large seas. Pitch black with no moon, so difficult to see, but probably 3m+. Because we forgot at midnight, need to get a jerry can into the tank, so need to sail for a bit to turn the engine off. Lots of wind, but manageable on a run. Waves are the issue, however, as we were tossed into an accidental gybe (with wind at 120 degrees) by a big wave almost immediately after getting sails out. No damage, but things got a bit hairy at this point.

Waves would pull us higher and apparent wind would spike up to 26kts, despite best attempts hand steering (the autopilot couldn’t cope at all). Engine craps out. Loss of power (very noticeable change in sound) at 2,500 RPM, and I put her in neutral almost immediately assuming a badly fouled prop. She died in neutral eventually and the oil pressure light came on (as the key had not been switched off). Reefed down heavily (a bit late) and changed destination to Chiryatapu instead of Rutland so we could diagnose the prop / engine issue sooner, and it looks more sheltered from the NE.

Arrived around 7am and dropped anchor in 15m, not an ideal spot. Cleaned up the cabin (dishes had splattered everywhere), then took a look at engine. Nothing on the prop, but when she started, hard to idle and eventually died on her own. Pumped 56L of diesel in before trying, so not an empty tank issue. Perhaps air in the fuel lines from low fuel levels in turbulent seas while the engine was running? Tried to bleed the lines with the manual lift pump. Bled the first nipple, and there was air – encouraging. 2nd bleed nipple was seized so we had to skip it. Finally bled where the injectors meet the cylinders – no obvious air coming out as we cranked the engine. Then she started, but with a strange, uneven idle. Sound is also different on higher revs, as if the timing has changed, but don’t think we would have affected that.

Replaced bolts holding guide hook on windlass – chain was jumping badly as it fed into the gypsy, especially with 40+ meters out. Much tighter, and better performance so far. Tuned the rigging. Port baby stay was extremely loose – the new one. Need to seize these turnbuckles with stainless steel wire ASAP as they appear to be unscrewing themselves somehow. Rig is much tighter now.

Moved the boat to Chiryatapu village – anchored in closer but still no relief from rolling. Sriram’s father cooked us potatoes, bananas, and lentils for dinner. Taxi to nearest reasonable village, bought a whole chicken (1.6kg before butchering, 1.0kg after, we pay for the before weight). Picked up 2x20L jerry cans for filling drinking water – we are almost out. Were spoiled in Thailand. Rough dinghy launch – we found her smashing against the sea wall at high tide, and we were loaded with provisions. Back to the boat safe – didn’t even break an egg.

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